Monday, December 26, 2016

My Top 10 Christian Books of 2016

Why Only Christian Books

Since I am only a little more than six years into my Christian walk, I tend to read mostly Christian books. I hope to change this in the coming years, but as for now there is just so much to learn in regards to this new life that I entered into years ago. Think about it, there are brothers and sisters in Christ that have done so much for the faith that I have never met. There are biblical doctrines that I have merely skimmed the surface of. There are books of the Bible that I only have a basic knowledge of. With that being said, I spend a bulk of my time reading Christian biographies, theological works, commentaries, and books on Christian living. I just want to know about the Christian life!

However, in years to come I hope to begin reading biographies on presidents, war generals, and others. Also, I would love to read a little more on war history, productivity, and time management. When I begin doing this, Lord willing, you will begin to see me post a Top 10 book list with numerous genres and subjects. As for now though, it will be strictly Christian books.

What I Judge a Christian Book By:

  • Does it stir my affections for Christ?
  • Does it spur me on to gain a greater knowledge of the Bible?
  • Does it stir me up to do good works to the glory of God?

So here are my top ten books of 2016:

  1. Newton on the Christian Life by Tony Reinke
  2. The Valley of Vision by the Puritans
  3. The Pilgrim's Progress By John Bunyan
  4. George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival By Arnold Dallimore
  5. The Bondage of the Will By Martin Luther
  6. Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians
  7. John Stott's Commentary on Galatians
  8. An Infinite Journey By Andrew Davis
  9. The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
  10. Adopted for Life by Russell Moore
I would put Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-Jones but I am not done reading it! Anyhow, I hope to see one of these make it on your reading list for 2017!