Why Only Christian Books
Since I am only a little more than six years into my Christian walk, I tend to read mostly Christian books. I hope to change this in the coming years, but as for now there is just so much to learn in regards to this new life that I entered into years ago. Think about it, there are brothers and sisters in Christ that have done so much for the faith that I have never met. There are biblical doctrines that I have merely skimmed the surface of. There are books of the Bible that I only have a basic knowledge of. With that being said, I spend a bulk of my time reading Christian biographies, theological works, commentaries, and books on Christian living. I just want to know about the Christian life!
However, in years to come I hope to begin reading biographies on presidents, war generals, and others. Also, I would love to read a little more on war history, productivity, and time management. When I begin doing this, Lord willing, you will begin to see me post a Top 10 book list with numerous genres and subjects. As for now though, it will be strictly Christian books.
What I Judge a Christian Book By:
- Does it stir my affections for Christ?
- Does it spur me on to gain a greater knowledge of the Bible?
- Does it stir me up to do good works to the glory of God?
So here are my top ten books of 2016:
- Newton on the Christian Life by Tony Reinke
- The Valley of Vision by the Puritans
- The Pilgrim's Progress By John Bunyan
- George Whitefield: The Life and Times of the Great Evangelist of the 18th Century Revival By Arnold Dallimore
- The Bondage of the Will By Martin Luther
- Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians
- John Stott's Commentary on Galatians
- An Infinite Journey By Andrew Davis
- The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
- Adopted for Life by Russell Moore
I would put Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-Jones but I am not done reading it! Anyhow, I hope to see one of these make it on your reading list for 2017!